Delbert Mundt Water Treatment Plant

The Delbert Mundt Water Treatment Plant is an award winning plant, completed in 2010.

The treatment plant uses the best treatment practices to produce quality water originally sourced from the Kaskaskia river, and serves water to the West side of our system.

What makes our Delbert Mundt water award-winning?

The Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) in the filters are essential for taste and odor absorption. The chlorine dioxide we used for pre-treatment disinfection is a much stronger disinfectant than chlorine and does not create any taste and odor issues. Additionally, in the chloramination process we form a monochloramine, which is a long lasting disinfectant that doesn't create the taste and odor issues associated with regular chlorine. The GAC, chlorine dioxide, and chloramination is only done at the Delbert plant, because it is surface water.

  • Plant Metrics
  • 3.00Production Capacity (million gallon)

  • 1.405Average Production (million gallon)

  • 1.858Record High Production (million gallon)

  • 5/15/2018Record Date

  • 2010Year Built

  • Kaskaskia RiverWater Source

  • 80Treatment time (minutes)

  • 12905Population Served

  • 75-120Total Harness Range (mg/l)

  • 4.4 - 7Total Hardness Range (grains per gallon)

  • 95Total Hardness Average (mg/l)

  • 5.50Total Hardness Average (grains per gallon)

Delbert Mundt Water Treatment Plant Image Gallery

Pat O'Dell
Pat O'Dell

Plant Operator

Pat is part of the Plant Operators department
and has been a valued member of our team for
19 years and 25 days, since 08/15/2005.